November 24, 2019
Fasting has become popular in recent years and many of us are familiar with the "5:2" diet created by Dr Michael Moseley - you eat normally five days each week and eat 800 calories on the other two.
However, I'm a bit more of a faster than that and I'm not the only one.
From Sunday mid-afternoon to Tuesday lunchtime, so a period of around 44 hours, I don't eat at all. Nothing. Not a mince pie, not soup, nothing at all, just water, every week.
The rest of the week I then each within a 6 hour window, so only two meals, and then just have water for the remaining 18 hours.
What a fad, you're thinking.
What a trendy, silly fad, but the thing is, I'm not the only one. You might expect celebrities such as Meg Matthews of to say this, she's mates with Kate Moss. In fact Meg says she eats in the six hour window most days, but Jennifer Aniston, Reese Witherspoon and Nicole Kidman, to name just a few are also said to follow this regime.
Tracey Woodward, who I recently interviewed for the podcast, is also a big fan of fasting. She's a fan of the Buchinger Wilhemi organisation, dedicated to good health through Therapeutic Fasting and a whole host of other holistic practises. If I tell you that Tracey is just back from an ELEVEN DAY fast then you'll see how serious she is about it.
You can find out more about what she gets from it in our YouTube Video HERE but for me, here's what I love.
Fasting isn't for everyone and believe me, there are weeks when I crack because it's foul outside and that instinct for comfort food is huge during Winter, but once you get your head around the concept and think you can, rather than you can't, it's almost easy.
Fill your day with projects and it will whizz by. As soon as you feel a craving call a friend and chat, cravings do go. Why not try an 18 hour fast, 6 hour window to eat first? You health might well thank you for it.
Find out more about the health benefits of fasting HERE
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