Placeholder Fat Camp - Time Of Your Life

Fat Camp

September 02, 2020

Fat Camp

Well Lockdown certainly did it. 

I’ve piled on the pounds and we are moving into Winter when we are both told that a second wave of Covid is likely and that those of us who are overweight are more vulnerable.  I also have Asthma which doesn't sound like it would be a good combination with Covid, does it?

The funny thing is that I absolutely know the dangers of being overweight. We, midlife women, should need no more encouragement to lose weight than the fact that as soon as we become technically obese we open ourselves up to over thirty cancers that people who are the right weight just aren’t susceptible to.  Not only that, but it is a fact that the road to every hospital ward (possibly with the exception of the maternity one) is paved with people who are overweight.  Clearly, not totally, but the message is that people who are the right weight – in general – stay disease free longer.

I’m making a video for the TOYL website this Friday and you’ll see just how many pies I’ve eaten so I’ve decided that from now until Christmas it’s a fair amount of time to lower my Covid-vulnerable potential and to get my health back on track.  While Rebel Wilson has made 2020 her year of health and has done phenomenally well, I’m having more of a four month stint.

What I’m going to do over the first twelve weeks is move from twenty one meals a week (three per day) to around twelve (two per day plus a full day of fasting).  I’ve tried all sorts of diets and I know that, for me, a healthy, fat based diet with fasting days is what I can cope with.  Too little good fat and I feel exhausted and skin goes to pot.  A carbohydrate heavy diet just makes me sleep constantly.

So, why don’t you grab some motivation books or books on improving your health, use them for inspiration and join me.  Over 50% of midlife women are obese, not just fat, obese and it’s something we’ve let happen to us.  The national average is 30% of us being obese so we’ve really had a challenge with staying a healthy weight.  We know why.   It’s easier to reach for gorgeous, comforting food than sometimes to sit with the feelings life throws at us and I completely get that, but we’re undermining ourselves and we’re worth more than that.

I totally defend your right to be any shape or size you want to be, providing you have chosen that.  I don’t choose to be fat, I allowed that to happen to me but now I’m choosing to be a healthy weight – join me?

* PS The photo isn't me, my fat looks far worse at present, but I'll give you updates on how it's going!  Message me either on comments or if I can help you with your journey.

4 Responses


September 14, 2020

I too have piled on the pounds in lockdown, indeed 21 of them! This week I decided to get rid of them in time for Christmas & not just so I could eat myself silly then, but for a few reasons. 1) I prefer myself that bit lighter, I feel more energetic & the osteo-arthritis is more manageable too! (Yes, I agree, if people want to be a bit bigger & are healthy & happy more power to them, but not for me & certainly the older I am getting the more difficult it is to manage/reduce etc). 2) Covid wise we do need to be at our healthiest in order to fight it. 3) I have to confess I have “yo yoed” weight wise most of my life, so you would think I would be an expert at sorting it out by now, but no, any complacency (plus chocolate!) & the pounds come on thick & fast, but losing them makes me feel good & don’t we need some of that right now?

April Harrison
April Harrison

September 14, 2020

What a honest reflective post. I hope sharing your journey from the start will provide you with the support and motivation that you need to help you reach your goal.
For me, being middle aged has meant increased exercise and a slightly more restricted calorie diet to maintain the same weight. That’s not always been possible during lock down, therefore I’ll be starting my journey with you by ensuring I’m in a calorie deficit
I look forward to the updates.

Joan Tate
Joan Tate

September 14, 2020

I’m with you! Except my fat is from several years of a stressful job plus lockdown. Are you going to be sending out emails when you post a blog update?


September 14, 2020

I’m with you – I decided a few weeks ago to get a grip. During lockdown I baked like never before and lost count of the number of banana bread loaves I made, using the excuse ‘I can’t abide food waste’ to justify my gluttony! What is working for me, surprisingly, is powdered meal replacement shakes as they take the choice away from me, enforce portion control and are filling. I eat one healthy meal a day and have 2 shakes and am losing weight steadily. But more importantly the other benefits are no indigestion, no plantar fasciitis and better sleep. I’m halfway there but recognise it’s a marathon not a sprint and remain ‘in the zone’ in my head (I’m sure anyone who has tried to regain control of their eating recognises the futility of starting the journey if you aren’t mentally ready).

Good luck, I’m with you, we need to protect ourselves from the worst consequences of contracting COVID-19 and this is another compelling reason to take action.

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