Below are listed the resources outlined in my book The Time of Your Life and the various links you can use to access the products, services, sites or books that I suggest.
The FORM links (the forms are in the book) are at the bottom of this page.
I update these every month to ensure that they are current.
I have no sponsorship at all from any of the companies I recommend below. I purchase all their goods or services at full price just like any other regular customer, and none of them knew they’d end up in this book until I asked their permission.
You don’t have to go with my choices at all, I’m sure you’re bright enough to find your own favourites, but these are things that I like.
Weightwatchers and Slimming World
You might not need them, but I’ve been members of both and they do help. First, you get to record your food and the quantities you eat, which is key to knowing where you are overeating. Then the shame of the weigh in focuses your mind like nothing else. There’s also the sanctimonious euphoria when you do lose weight. Finally, most people at these groups are kindness personified. I use the Weight Watchers’ app, it really helps me to see how greedy I’m being and rein back my portion size. Of course, there are other groups to help you lose weight, so try them out to find what works for you.
Omega Fatty Acid Test Kit
I’ve used these in the past, mainly because I think they care about the manufacturing, but really choose to suit your body and pocket:
These are created by Dr Patrick Holford who has a really strong pedigree in creating great vitamin supplements.
This is the website for Dr Marilyn Glenville who is mentioned in the book. Dr Glenville has spent her whole life looking at women’s health through diet and supplements so I trust her to deliver great products.
Pelvic Floor Exercises
The UK's National Health Service has a fantastic App called Squeezy which can be accessed worldwide. At the time of writing it is £2.99 and works on most smart phones.
I’ve actually purchased an Elvie (, available John Lewis) which is also App run and a bit more expensive at £169.00 (at time of writing. It was cheaper when I bought it). It doesn’t really matter which you go for, but do pelvic floor exercises – you’ll thank me later in life (again…)
Bone Density Scan
In the UK, if you’re under 75 you can’t just ask for a bone density scan on the NHS, you have to be at risk. If your mum or sister has been diagnosed with. Osteoporosis go from your early fifties and ask for a scan, they can but say no. If you want one privately they cost around £75 at time of writing.
If you have a heel bone density scan this isn’t going to be as accurate as a hip and back scan, called a DXA or DEXA scan, but it is going to be a lot cheaper and it will give you an idea. If this comes up with a worrying result go to your doctor to get the full DXA scan.
Osteoporosis is a real challenge for women and just because you are unaffected now please don’t assume you won’t be. Visit the Royal Osteoporosis Society to find out more
Menopause Books
Gosh where do we start? Menopause books are a recent phenomenon and as I write some woman, somewhere, is writing what will become our definitive guide. In the meantime try these:
My favourite practical book is:
Making Friends with the Menopause, Sarah Rayner & Dr Patrick Fitzgerald, 2015, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, UK
Then this next book is really good to understand the transition from perimenopause into full menopause:
The Perimenopause Handbook, Andrea Glover, 2018, XlibrisUK
Then this book helps you to understand how your diet impacts how you feel and get through the menopause well:
Natural Solutions to Menopause, Dr Marilyn Glenville, 2011, Bluebird, UK
Finally, if you want some “girl power” and sympathy from others that have been this way you can either go with Andrea Mclean or Germaine Greer, depending on your preference.
Confessions of a Menopausal Woman, Andrea Mclean, 2019, Corgi Press
The Change, Germaine Greer, 2019, Bloomsbury Publishing, London
Run by Meg Matthews, she is one of the first on instagram and her website talking about the menopause and also hosts an annual conference with a bevy of fantastic speakers who can help. Follow her.
Menopause Home Test
These are all over the internet and range in price from about £10 to £30. I’d suggest the one from Superdrug ( because it’s a name we know and trust. All of them are blood tests so follow the instructions well to get a clear result and answer the questions honestly. If you are perimenopausal then it’s worth getting checked over by your doctor just to discuss how you feel and any issues that have come up. Remember, I suffered period flooding for years because I assumed that I just had to suffer this rather than going to see the doctor and get it sorted. Don’t be as dumb as me, it’s your health so look after yourself.
Changing Your Mindset
If that little voice in your head isn’t talking nicely to you, here are some books that might help it change its attitude pronto. Remember, if your problem is bigger than this, seek professional help.
Lowe, Sharron 2014, The Mind Makeover: The answers to becoming the best you yet, Piatkus, UK
McKenna, Paul, Change Your Life in 7 Days, Bantum Press, London
Peters, Steve, The Chimp Paradox: The acclaimed mind management programme to help you achieve success, confidence and happiness, Vermilion, London
Volunteer Organisations
These are myriad so go looking for them. There is always something for everyone from organic farming to beach clear ups, NHS volunteering to helping kids. Here are some ideas to get you started:
UK Volunteering Holidays
I haven’t been on any of these, but I fancy it! All of these links enable you to get away for either a few days, a week or longer.
International Volunteering Holidays
I haven’t been on any of these, they cost to do so, but if it’s your cup of tea to volunteer abroad check out these:
Financial Planning Apps
Disclaimer. I’m not a financial advisor and if you need real help please see a professional. In my opinion, these are good apps to help personal financial planning.
YOLT – helps you sync cards, bank accounts and savings accounts all in one
Goodbudget - Budget Planner – a money and expenses tracker
Money Monitor: Expenses Tracker
Being Creative
I want you to be creative every week as this is very important for the artistic side of your soul. We absolutely MUST do some activity every week that isn't functional because it works with a whole different set of our brain cells, helping keep us mentally active. You'll meet new people, learn new skills, be taken out of your day to day world, but most of all you'll do something that is truly just for you, with no purpose other than the act itself. Creative isn't something functional but have a look at this (unexhaustive) list to see what might interest you then search on the web for more on how to get started:
Garden Design (NOT gardening, we all have to do that)
Poetry Writing
Jewellery Making
Music Making
Architecture Design
Film making
Being creative is different from just having a hobby. Rambling is a hobby but is it not being creative, there's a difference. Be creative, you will learn so much more about yourself.
Click HERE to get the Creative Hobby Planner Form
Click HERE to get the Fitness Planner Form
Click HERE to get the Monthly Quit Chart
Click HERE to get the Volunteer Planning Form
Click HERE to get the best sheet and plan Your Dreams